Saturday, July 27, 2013

It's all fun and games until the IUD goes missing

My fella and I wax-poetic about having a baby together, but we both know we are too old. I mean, I suppose it could be done, but it probably wouldn't be the best thing for a child to have parents our age and wouldn't be the best thing for us at our age to start all over again, kid wise. Our combined children range in age from 12 years to 26 years.
So to get to the point of this post. Birth control. Who knew that getting older really limits the number of available and healthy birth control options for a woman.
After consulting with my doctor I had a Mirena IUD placed. It was an easy process, good for women my age, what could go wrong?
Fast forward 5 years and 3 months. Knowing that after 5 years it needs to be replaced I called my doctor and set up an appointment with a gynecologist to have the IUD removed and replaced.  It could all be done at the same appointment and other than worrying that it might hurt a little, all was well.
I always have to mentally prepare for appointments like this. The word that comes to mind when I think of stuff like this: Uncomfortable.
So I am on my back, feet in stirrups and trying to look at the ceiling like this is the easiest thing in the world.

The doctor, says "So when did you have your IUD placed?"
I replied a little over 5 years ago.
"Hmmmm" she says.
I asked her if there was a problem and she replied she wasn't sure.

At that moment, my life flashed before my eyes.
Ovarian/uterine/cervical cancer were the first things that came to mind.
(Oh btw, I should mention that I can escalate a situation from 0 to dying in mere seconds).
I was becoming uncomfortable with her probing and rooting around "up there". I swear to goodness she was up to her elbows.

"I don't see an IUD" she says.
This is when my voice went two octaves higher and just a little bit louder.
"WHAT?" I said, "OF COURSE there is an IUD, I have had it for 5 years".

Well, she couldn't see one and who am I to argue with a doctor. I then had an x-ray to see if it could be seen that way. Nope, no sign of it. Two days later I went in for an ultra-sound. A trans-vaginal ultrasound. (That is a post all on it's own.) Still don't see an IUD anywhere and no babies either. (I asked, haha)
I was and am still in sort of a state of shock. They are assuming that it fell out. It's not like it is microscopic, so really I would think that I would have felt it coming out. Apparently not.

 The IUD is the ONLY birth control the fella and I have been using for the last 5 years. Who knows how long we have been having unprotected sex?? Talk about totally freaking out.

Now that I have had this issue I have read and heard how common it is for these IUDS to be expelled or dislodged. Quite frequently, I guess. Which I had NO idea could happen. I suppose I should have researched it a little better or asked more questions when I had it put in, but I believed my doctor and trusted her to provide me with a good birth control option. Live and learn, I will research more next time!
Let's just say this has been one stressful week. 

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