Monday, September 30, 2013

An Apple a Day

I recently spent several days in the hospital. While that is a not a wonderful experience, there was something that made it even worse than it already was.

Room mates. I had 3 of them during the 5 days I was there.

#1 roommate was, I believe, quite a few bricks short of a load. She was a screamer who had her shoulder and arm broken. I can't imagine how horribly painful that must have been. I can imagine how many times (6) I was awoken from a drug induced, painful sleep by her shrieks. Honey, come on. Yes, it is painful, we all know that. At some point though, one must suck it up and stop with the screaming. Save it for when someone is trying to slit your throat.
Also, calling the nurse over the little intercom thing and telling her "my vagina really itches!" is just not cool. No one needs to know that except the nurse. Ask her to come in and then tell her in private. Sheesh.

#2 roommate was a tall woman who cried almost the entire time. I never did really figure out what was wrong with her other than she had massive stomach issues (ulcers, etc..) and could not keep anything down and was in a lot of pain.
What I did know about her was her family situation. We were in a small room separated by a curtain. On my side of the bed was me in bed on her side of the room was her in bed, her mother, father, two daughters and one toddler boy. Even if you don't have children you know that putting a toddler in a small room with lots of people and lots of cool things to touch and look at is a bad idea. Non stop screaming at little Johnny. Two teen daughters texting and talking on the phone, beeping, ringing, laughing.
The patient was very rude to the nurses and anyone who crossed her path really. Not fun.

#3 roommate was an elderly woman who was really quiet actually. She didn't cause much trouble at all and we got along fine. She had the joy of listening to me vomit numerous times so she probably is writing a blog post about me! Her elderly husband in a wheel chair came to visit. He was accompanied by a young woman. From the moment he entered her part of the room he sneezed, coughed, snorted,blew his nose, etc... and kept saying he had chills and didn't feel well. The nurse came in for something and ended up telling the young woman that he needed to go since he was not feeling well. The young woman said ok and they left. About an hour later, the girl came back and told the older lady that she had taken the old guy to the E.R. and that he had pneumonia. Well boy howdy. Thanks for spreading that all around a post surgical floor where there are a ton of people trying to recover. People are dumb no way around it. 

I really hope that I don't have to be a patient at the hospital again any time soon.

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