Friday, August 16, 2013

Accidents happen but sometimes they don't have to.

Accidents do happen. I realize that and I understand that.

But don't tell me that a small child that gets ahold of a loaded gun and shoots himself or another child is an accident. That is negligence on the adult's part that owns the gun. You feel the need to have a loaded gun in your house? Then keep it where a child cannot get it. Don't put it between the headboard and the mattress and then call it an accident when your 3 year old shoots his one year old brother. YOU need to go to jail. No ifs, ands or buts. This really makes me angry.

In a city near us a little 9 year old boy was messing around the train tracks and tried to jump on a moving train. I will wait and let that sink in a minute. He slipped and his legs went under the train severing his feet off just above the ankles. I just cannot fathom this, but it happened. Of course, I feel that a 9 year old has NO BUSINESS running around a city alone or playing near rail road tracks. What the heck people? Keep an eye on your children and the neighborhood children.

People are so worried now that they can't say something to kids that don't belong to them. Personally, I don't give a crap what anyone thinks, if I would have seen a 9 year old playing around the train tracks, I would have told him to get the heck out of there and if he didn't? Call the police. 

Stuff like this just should not happen.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Sometimes you just can't win.

If you are or were a smoker you will understand this post very well. When a person smokes it does not matter what ailment they have, it is caused by smoking. Bad back? Well, if you didn't smoke, it would get better. Ingrown toenail? Well you have poor blood circulation because you smoke and on and on and on.

I went to the doctor yesterday for a check up. We did the usual stuff and then she asked me about smoking. I told her that I hadn't smoked a real cigarette in 2 weeks, but that I have been smoking an electronic cigarette. So technically not quit altogether, but working on it.
She was all "Oh that's great! Way to go!".

And then in the next breath.....wait for it...wait for it...

She says "Well now we can work on losing weight!"

For one minute couldn't we just bask in the warm glow of the fact that after 30 freaking years I have the desire and will power to quit smoking?
No. Now every.single.farking.thing will be attributed to my weight.
I can't win.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Random Rants

Flushing urinals.  Are the guys who do not flush saving the environment by not wasting water or lazy SOB's who refuse to clean their messes? Either way, I do not want to see or smell your piss!

Reality shows that take 10 minutes of content and stretch it over an hour..  I understand they want you to keep you there to watch their commercials, but c'mon..  Actually, swear to god, saw one show what teased they would explain something 'when they come back' had two more breaks, and it was THE NEXT EPISODE that explained it.  Un-friken-believable!

VIP's. These people are so much more important than the rest of us.  They drop there trash wherever, flick their butts, they don't care, they even have other people flush their urinals!  They do not have to wait their turn, bullies who push their way to the front of the line, idiots weave in and out of traffic to save a few seconds, or those who's need to speed somehow trumps my need to drive at a safe speed. Keep on tailgating me there sport.  I swear, only the fact that my kids were riding with me has stopped me from slamming on the breaks on more than one occasion.  One of these days sport, my kids wont be in my car, and you will be in my backseat.

Corporations taking over America, spreading their mediocrity everywhere!  Same damn stores EVERYWHERE!  Go to yer average mall and the same stores, same eateries, same kiosks..  No matter where you go, there you are..

Poppin Tags. My better half already ranted about this, but it bears repeating.  You’re a THRIFT STORE, selling items DONATED to you, and some of these stores pay less than slavewages  to its workers..  like TWENTY-TWO FARKING CENTS?!  And you have the nerve to sell work shoes for 50 bucks?  Broken items or jigsaw puzzles with missing pieces? C'mon..

Jaywalkers drive me NUTZ! I do not understand why they think it is ok to drunkenly stagger out into traffic in the middle of the street, or against the light at the crosswalk, or, FTLOG, walk down the middle of a residential street almost daring someone to hit them.  Pull up your pants and GTF out of my way you punks, and while yer at it, get off my lawn!

Speaking of my lawn.  I kid you not, I have lived 50 years on this earth, and NEVER have I seen people who will cop a squat on people property, people they do not know!  I mean when I was a kid, running wild around the hood, I would stop and sit on the steps or lawns or porches of people  I KNEW, it was called being neighborly.  In my current neighborhood, we have people, kids and adults, who see no problem sitting on someone’s steps or porch, just to hang out, smoke a joint.  We have a fenced yard, with a gate just past the couple steps of the sidewalk, and this Mexican family who will sit on those steps and wait for their kids schoolbus, at least they did.  I do not know them, they do not know me.  WTH people!
Well, hope you are having a better day than me.  L8ter.. =)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


I completely understand that pedestrians have the right of way when crossing the street.
However. (there is always a however, isn't there?)
When you cross a very busy street, AGAINST the light and make traffic come to a complete stop, you are taking a big chance. You are also making a lot of people angry, including me.
Today as I was driving down a busy street in the city, I saw a woman step off the curb against the light about half a block ahead of me. She was lucky that everyone saw her and didn't hit her, because frankly people get hit every day.
I slowed down and came to a complete stop in the intersection waiting for her to hurry the heck up and get across. She walked slowly and seemed to not have a care in the world. Switched her big ol' purse from one shoulder to the other. She looked over at me as I was giving her my very best stink eye telepathic message. She just raised her eyebrows and gave me the 'I really don't give a crap about anyone" look.
I turned and looked at the car next to me and caught the eye of the woman driving the SUV. She just slowly shook her head while rolling her eyes.

I have a feeling she was thinking the same thing as me. "I really want to mow her ass down, but prison is so unappealing."

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Poppin' Tags

I love to shop at thrift stores.

However, in the last couple of years the prices at thrift stores have become department store prices and I do not like that.

 Many times for the prices they charge I could go to a store and buy something new.

As far as I am concerned when I buy used clothing at a thrift store it should be pretty cheap. Maybe a little more than garage sale prices because I do understand they have overhead, but come on.

$19.99 for a pair of used shoes?

$29.99 for a used Gap dress? Really?

I think not.

Non Rant: Something really cool that I read on Macklemore and Ryan Lewis' facebook page is that they take the shirts that they wear in concert to thrift stores and donate them so that fans that can't afford to buy new shirts on the website can still show their support. Anyone want to go to Seattle?

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Who knew?

Who knew that if you prepared a dish and made it too spicy that you could put a Tablespoon of peanut butter in it, stir it up and the heat would be reduced significantly? I swear, the google can tell you anything!

Also, to our neighbor with the big barking dog: You, sir, are a twit. Tying your dog up on a chain and letting that chain reach juuuuuussssst about to the sidewalk is really crappy. I know you do it to scare people to death that are out for a nice stroll and you are probably inside laughing when you see it happen. Some day someone's going to be really angry at you for scaring them, their children, their grandmother, whoever and they are going to take matters into their own hands. I just hope that no one takes out their anger on the dog, because the true problem is not the animal, but the owner.