Thursday, August 1, 2013

Who knew?

Who knew that if you prepared a dish and made it too spicy that you could put a Tablespoon of peanut butter in it, stir it up and the heat would be reduced significantly? I swear, the google can tell you anything!

Also, to our neighbor with the big barking dog: You, sir, are a twit. Tying your dog up on a chain and letting that chain reach juuuuuussssst about to the sidewalk is really crappy. I know you do it to scare people to death that are out for a nice stroll and you are probably inside laughing when you see it happen. Some day someone's going to be really angry at you for scaring them, their children, their grandmother, whoever and they are going to take matters into their own hands. I just hope that no one takes out their anger on the dog, because the true problem is not the animal, but the owner.

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