Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Things She Hates

Skinny women who say "Oh I am sooo fat" when patting their flat belly.

People who say I LOVE to exercise. Bullshit. You do not LOVE it and if you do think you love it , you don't know what love is.



Parents who don't parent their kids. You had them, you parent them.

People who have never had any kids who tell you how to parent yours.

People who water their lawn on timers, even when it has rained, they still water. Stop it.

People who think that having a green lawn "means" something. African children are dying of thirst.

And last but certainly not least:


Monday, July 29, 2013

Things I hate: like for example that this is going to be a very long list..

 The punks who waddle around in the saggy pants showing off their nasty drawers
Idiots what walk down the middle of the street, the street you are trying to drive down.
 Preventable illnesses: like fetal alcohol syndrome, AIDS, STD's
 Asshats who do not immunize their children
 Marijuannabes: People who pretend to be potheads
 Crackheads, Methheads, Druggies
 When I hit every frigging red light on my commute!
 People out for a Sunday drive, driving half of the speed limit, taking FOREVER when the light turns green, get in the right lane!
 People who try to make me speed, tailgate me, get pissy when I wont break the law and drive dangerously just because they want to.
 Skinny jeans
 People who TYPE IN ALL CAPS
 Long lines
 That I cannot tell people exactly what I am thinking most of the time.
 Those who think racist can only be white
 Spam email that fakes the 'from' using my email.  Seriously?  You think I am so feeble I will not remember sending myself a farking email about penis lengthening cream or weight loss pills
 Reaching for another bite of dinner and finding out there’s no more food.
 People who chew with their mouth open
 Name droppers
 I hate how teachers held me to different standards when I was in school.  'You can do so much better' heres a D.
 Being tired and unable to sleep when I need to
 Not being tired when I can actually sleep in
 When a barking dog will not STFU
When a barking dog's owner will not STFU their dog!
 When ppl 'TyPE lyK ThIS SoMeTiMES' (put this on the screen)
 People who litter
 That its so hard to recognize what you are talented at until far too late.
 People who think that opposing Israel's foreign policy, or even commenting on Israel's actions, somehow makes one an anti-semite.
 People who feel the need to attack EVERYTHING.  Comments in the newspaper about a lost kid, and suddenly some troll is blaming Obama, WTF?
 People who hate without reason.  I have my reasons, they might not be the best, but they work for me..
 wen ppl tak liek dis al de tiem
 How schools and work handle bullying.  Especially how the law handles bullying, blaming and punishing the victim.
 That FoxNews has viewers that think they are watching actual news.
 When you have 300 channels of nothing.
 People who brag about stuff they are not responsible for.  Daddy's job, or boyfriends car, vacationing at the rents cabin.
 People who ask questions that could be answered in seconds on teh google.
 People who assume I am an idiot and have not already checked teh google before asking them a question.
 Religious people who think their religion is the only one AND have no tolerance for other.  I mean you want me to respect your views and you cannot return the favor?  Go to your hell!
 People who demand that you live by their religious law and are OUTRAGED at the VERY IDEA of respecting another religious belief
 People who think Islamic = Terrorist
 People who ask 'what would Jesus do' He sure as hell wouldn’t ask that dumass question..
 People who let their man\woman control them
 Two faced people, nice when you are there, backstabbing biatch when you are not.
 Having an itch I cannot scratch
 An itch I CAN scratch, because I will rub that shiat raw!
 People who are proven wrong over and over again, yet get pissed when you do not give their half assed opinion the time of day.
 People who rush in before I can get out
 People who treat me like an idiot.  Like when I describe a problem like my car would not start, they ask 'did you check the battery?' Dur, ya mean THATS why no bright stuff came out of light thingies in car?
 Texting: during a movie or play.  Even though you turned down the sound  missy, we can still SEE your damned bright assed screen in this darkened theater!
 People who cut in line, try to get served out of turn.
 People who say 'What?' in response to your question (because they wanted a second to think about their answer) then interrupt you when you repeat the initial question.
 People who bring their kids to a restaurant and do not bother to even try to control them.  I WILL trip your little bastard if he runs by my table one more time..
 Autocorrect does not recognize 'asshat'
 Attention whores.  HEY!  Lookit me.  No, ME, lookit Meeeeee!
 Stupid laws that punish honest mistakes and let the truly guilty off with a slap on the wrist
 People who will hear my hates and assume I am nothing but a raging ball of fury.
And I would hate it if you did not have a very good day..

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Stop it.

 #1. If you are posting a bunch of recipes on facebook, then you need to stop it. Facebook is not for recipes. Pinterest is the place for that. You say you are posting them on facebook because you want to "keep" them or so that you can find them. You will not be able to find them easily. So stop it. You will find it MUCH easier to pin them to a food board in Pinterest. Do I have to tell you people everything??

#2. The phrase "It is what it is". Stop saying that. It irritates the hell outta me. The urban dictionary sums it up quite nicely.
It is what it is: "A trite, overused and infuriatingly meaningless cliche that is utilized by provincials who think they are adding some deep, meaningful insight during a discussion when all they are offering is senseless, unwarranted repetitiveness to what would otherwise be a far better conversation had they not shown the shallowness of the gene pool they spawned from by using this asininely useless and redundant phrase to begin with."
Thank you.

Joes what pissed me off this week..

Driving Joe  You were in front of me at the stoplight.  The light changed and you either did not notice or did not care.  I tapped my horn after 10 seconds, you laid on yours and peeled out.. Impressed the hell out of me. Not.

Joe Roadrage  (Not the same guy) Ok, this didn't happened to me directly, but this commercial perfectly describes the type of arsehole I see on the road EACH and EVERY day..

Josephine Shopper  Had lots of cart-related shenanigans this week. From some cracked out chickie at the grocery who almost run my girlfriend and I over as she stumbled her way down the asile.. THEN,at a different store a totally different woman left her DAMN CART in behind my car.  She couldn't be bothered to put the cart in the corral which was TEN DAMN FEET away..  The lazy in some makes me tired..

Hope ya'll have a great day!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

It's all fun and games until the IUD goes missing

My fella and I wax-poetic about having a baby together, but we both know we are too old. I mean, I suppose it could be done, but it probably wouldn't be the best thing for a child to have parents our age and wouldn't be the best thing for us at our age to start all over again, kid wise. Our combined children range in age from 12 years to 26 years.
So to get to the point of this post. Birth control. Who knew that getting older really limits the number of available and healthy birth control options for a woman.
After consulting with my doctor I had a Mirena IUD placed. It was an easy process, good for women my age, what could go wrong?
Fast forward 5 years and 3 months. Knowing that after 5 years it needs to be replaced I called my doctor and set up an appointment with a gynecologist to have the IUD removed and replaced.  It could all be done at the same appointment and other than worrying that it might hurt a little, all was well.
I always have to mentally prepare for appointments like this. The word that comes to mind when I think of stuff like this: Uncomfortable.
So I am on my back, feet in stirrups and trying to look at the ceiling like this is the easiest thing in the world.

The doctor, says "So when did you have your IUD placed?"
I replied a little over 5 years ago.
"Hmmmm" she says.
I asked her if there was a problem and she replied she wasn't sure.

At that moment, my life flashed before my eyes.
Ovarian/uterine/cervical cancer were the first things that came to mind.
(Oh btw, I should mention that I can escalate a situation from 0 to dying in mere seconds).
I was becoming uncomfortable with her probing and rooting around "up there". I swear to goodness she was up to her elbows.

"I don't see an IUD" she says.
This is when my voice went two octaves higher and just a little bit louder.
"WHAT?" I said, "OF COURSE there is an IUD, I have had it for 5 years".

Well, she couldn't see one and who am I to argue with a doctor. I then had an x-ray to see if it could be seen that way. Nope, no sign of it. Two days later I went in for an ultra-sound. A trans-vaginal ultrasound. (That is a post all on it's own.) Still don't see an IUD anywhere and no babies either. (I asked, haha)
I was and am still in sort of a state of shock. They are assuming that it fell out. It's not like it is microscopic, so really I would think that I would have felt it coming out. Apparently not.

 The IUD is the ONLY birth control the fella and I have been using for the last 5 years. Who knows how long we have been having unprotected sex?? Talk about totally freaking out.

Now that I have had this issue I have read and heard how common it is for these IUDS to be expelled or dislodged. Quite frequently, I guess. Which I had NO idea could happen. I suppose I should have researched it a little better or asked more questions when I had it put in, but I believed my doctor and trusted her to provide me with a good birth control option. Live and learn, I will research more next time!
Let's just say this has been one stressful week. 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Lying liars, pants afire..

McDonalds Dollar Menu Commercials. 
Sure it’s cute to pretend to talk to dollar bills, claiming they have value because they can purchase a drink, or a fry, or something else off the dollar menu..  BUT YOU CAN’T BUY ANYTHING OFF THE DOLLAR MENU FOR ONLY A BUCK!!!  There is tax, and the price plus the tax is MORE than a stinking dollar!!1!

Food what looks NOTHING like the pictures or ads.
I think I have lost track of the times I've drunkenly staggered into some fast-food joint, lured by the warm mouth-watering smells and drool-inducing pictures only to be served something that looks like it just came unstuck from the bottom of a crackho’s foot.

It's so common, there is a photo blog just to compare the advertising with reality, and the results are as depressing as they are expected.

Although corporations are legally obliged to use real food in their promotional pictures, there’s no law saying they can’t airbrush it, use pots of goo, motor oil, shoe polish, or any other crap they can find.  Anything they can do to make that crappy burger look appetizing, food photographers will do it, and companies will falsely claim it’s what you will get when you fork over your cash.

And don’t get me started on politics or 'news' reports.  The lies will be repeated over and over again.  When finally exposed, the truth will never see the light of day, or will be softly spoken once, and only once.

If commercials were honest it would look like this

Not only do they lie, but they CRANK UP THE DAMN VOLUMNE when I forget to fast forward through the commercials!

When cable TV first began to be offered in my area (gads I am old eh?) in the very early 1980s, one of the benefits touted was that cable networks were going to be commercial-free, paid for completely by subscription fees. REMEMBER THAT, FOLKS?


Some things were just too good to be true.  Skechers 'Shape-Up' shoes.  The company agreed to pay $40 million to settle charges by the FTC and the attorneys general of 42 states.  One of the company’s misleading tactics involved a chiropractor who, in a TV ad, endorsed the shoes’ effectiveness based on a study. However, the company paid for the study and the chiropractor was married to a company’s marketing executive.


Unlimited Data.  Almost all phone companies (cable companies, phone companies) tout unlimited data plans in its ads.  What this means in reality is 2-5GB a month.  A California man won a small-claims suit last month that says AT&T’s plans are not exactly 'unlimited' since the ruling proves AT&T broke its promise by deliberately slowing the service when he became one of the company's most active users.

The list can go on and on and on..  But ranting about this makes me sad..  So I will stop now.. 
If its too good to be true, it is. 
Nothing is free. 
Vote for Pedro!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

House Hunters

I love all things HGTV. I am a sucker for watching all the fixer upper shows.
I watch a lot of House Hunters and wow, the people on there are really irritating.
People are so picky. You would think that they are Princes or Princesses when they are looking for a castle house.
I hate when they have their noses up in the air at paint color and carpet. Seriously? You are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on a house and you can't afford to have someone paint the living room? Rip out some carpet and finish the hardwoods?
I have lived in some pretty darn nasty houses and once you get your own stuff in there, things look and feel so much better. Sure there are things that you want to change here and there, but if you wanted a new house you should have built one!
I don't know, maybe it is because I am getting older that houses don't mean that much to me anymore.
A home is way more important than the house.

They keep on lying to us, and we're too stupid to even know it?

Did you know that "Lucky Bamboo", a common office decoration frequently marketed as a Chinese good luck symbol, is neither bamboo nor even from Asia; it's a shrub from west Africa?

Monday, July 22, 2013

Let's have a spelling bee!

I occasionally misspell words. I think most everyone does.
However, there are some people who continually misspell words and even joke about how horrible of a speller they are. Ha, ha. How funny.
I am just going to come out with it. Ok, so you cannot spell. Somehow you made it all the way through high school and probably even college and still cannot spell. (BTW, where were the parents of these children who could not spell? Didn't you notice that little Johnny wasn't spelling worth crap? Seriously.)
Bad spelling doesn't make you less intelligent, but it doesn't make you look like Albert Einstein either.
Here's a solution! LEARN how to spell. Take some classes, get a tutor. Read some books or look online because I can almost guarantee you that there is something somewhere that will help you learn how to spell. Maybe even a youtube video for crying out loud.
Stop joking about what a horrible speller you are and do something about it! You are driving me crazy!
P.S. I have proof read this post about ten times and used spell check. :)

Using religion as a club

It amazes and saddens me when you hear 'religious' people talk and act in ways that contradicts the teachings of their religion.  This post was forwarded to me recently and I totally agree with everything it says.

We are all in this boat together people.  What happens to the least, happens to us all.

Have a better day..

Friday, July 19, 2013

It's not the 4th of July

I get it, people love fireworks.
Fourth of July and celebrating the New Year are two times that I think fireworks are appropriate. 
I have never been a huge fan of shooting them off myself but I don't mind watching the big aerial shows.
Where I grew up it was usually so dry that no one was allowed to shoot them off anyway.
What irritates me is when people continue to shoot loud fireworks long after the 4th of July.
It's annoying, it's loud and it scares me. When I get scared I get mad. Not sure why that is, but I do and it isn't pretty.
Every time I hear another one go off I get the urge to just go out and cram a bottle rocket up someone's nose and ask them how much they love fireworks now! Stop. Don't make me into a violent person.


Hi, its the 'He' of She Rants (and So Does He).  HowareYOUdoin?

I too have been looking for a safe place to have to let loose with my rants.  I have had a blog before, but didn't do much with it.

Here is a gem from one of my favorite 'ranty' sites SarcasticSarcasms

Have a great day!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

What it's all about

Let's face it. We all have things we would love to rant about. Things that just really eat you up on the inside because you have no where to go with those thoughts.
A lot of people use Facebook for venting and that is fine, but there are just some things that I don't feel like discussing with people in my real life. Maybe I don't want or need their comments/help/whatever so I just don't post them there. People get bent out of shape way too often and I just don't like having to sensor everything I say.

Twitter is a great place, but has such a limited number of characters that good rants just surpass.

So that leaves a blog.

I am not new to the blogging world. I was a blogger back before blogging was so cool. When it was like a big family and everyone commented and we all had a good ol' time. Before "mommy bloggers" were making tons of money. Back then I don't think anyone even had ads on their blogs! Imagine that!
Things are different now, but hey, change is inevitable and for the most part, good.
I am throwing my hat back into the ring along with the hat of my significant other.
We will both be posting things on here and "admin-ing" this space.

At some point, hopefully, we will accept guest "rants" that we will post. It can be anything from how people STILL do not know how to use the self checkout at the grocery store. (Wait, that is one of mine) or  my neighbor lets their dog bark nonstop and what I am gonna do about it. General or personal, your choice.
There will be rules that will be non negotiable and we reserve the right to add more rules as we go along.
1. No slurs or insults toward any race, sexual orientation, religion or individual person.
2. No real names. (So your Aunt Betty Jones from Watertown gave everyone food poisoning with her green bean casserole, we don't need to know her name to make the rant good.)
3. Profanity should be kept to a minimum.
4. We reserve the right to not post a rant if we feel it is not following the rules.

We are on the fence about letting people comment on the rants. Maybe we will let the rant writer determine whether they want feedback/comments or not. If we do let people comment, they WILL be moderated and will not be allowed through if they are not constructive. One of my biggest rants is when people comment on anything (news stories, etc...) and they say things that are just blatantly hurtful and rude.  That's just not what I want this site to be all about. People do disagree with others and that is fine, but a polite conversation is much better than slamming someone.
Bottom line?
Play nice with other people.