The punks who waddle around in the saggy pants showing off their nasty drawers
Idiots what walk down the middle of the street, the street you are trying to drive down.
Preventable illnesses: like fetal alcohol syndrome, AIDS, STD's
Asshats who do not immunize their children
Marijuannabes: People who pretend to be potheads
Crackheads, Methheads, Druggies
When I hit every frigging red light on my commute!
People out for a Sunday drive, driving half of the speed limit, taking FOREVER when the light turns green, get in the right lane!
People who try to make me speed, tailgate me, get pissy when I wont break the law and drive dangerously just because they want to.
Skinny jeans
Long lines
That I cannot tell people exactly what I am thinking most of the time.
Those who think racist can only be white
Spam email that fakes the 'from' using my email. Seriously? You think I am so feeble I will not remember sending myself a farking email about penis lengthening cream or weight loss pills
Reaching for another bite of dinner and finding out there’s no more food.
People who chew with their mouth open
Name droppers
I hate how teachers held me to different standards when I was in school. 'You can do so much better' heres a D.
Being tired and unable to sleep when I need to
Not being tired when I can actually sleep in
When a barking dog will not STFU
When a barking dog's owner will not STFU their dog!
When ppl 'TyPE lyK ThIS SoMeTiMES' (put this on the screen)
People who litter
That its so hard to recognize what you are talented at until far too late.
People who think that opposing Israel's foreign policy, or even commenting on Israel's actions, somehow makes one an anti-semite.
People who feel the need to attack EVERYTHING. Comments in the newspaper about a lost kid, and suddenly some troll is blaming Obama, WTF?
People who hate without reason. I have my reasons, they might not be the best, but they work for me..
wen ppl tak liek dis al de tiem
How schools and work handle bullying. Especially how the law handles bullying, blaming and punishing the victim.
That FoxNews has viewers that think they are watching actual news.
When you have 300 channels of nothing.
People who brag about stuff they are not responsible for. Daddy's job, or boyfriends car, vacationing at the rents cabin.
People who ask questions that could be answered in seconds on teh google.
People who assume I am an idiot and have not already checked teh google before asking them a question.
Religious people who think their religion is the only one AND have no tolerance for other. I mean you want me to respect your views and you cannot return the favor? Go to your hell!
People who demand that you live by their religious law and are OUTRAGED at the VERY IDEA of respecting another religious belief
People who think Islamic = Terrorist
People who ask 'what would Jesus do' He sure as hell wouldn’t ask that dumass question..
People who let their man\woman control them
Two faced people, nice when you are there, backstabbing biatch when you are not.
Having an itch I cannot scratch
An itch I CAN scratch, because I will rub that shiat raw!
People who are proven wrong over and over again, yet get pissed when you do not give their half assed opinion the time of day.
People who rush in before I can get out
People who treat me like an idiot. Like when I describe a problem like my car would not start, they ask 'did you check the battery?' Dur, ya mean THATS why no bright stuff came out of light thingies in car?
Texting: during a movie or play. Even though you turned down the sound missy, we can still SEE your damned bright assed screen in this darkened theater!
People who cut in line, try to get served out of turn.
People who say 'What?' in response to your question (because they wanted a second to think about their answer) then interrupt you when you repeat the initial question.
People who bring their kids to a restaurant and do not bother to even try to control them. I WILL trip your little bastard if he runs by my table one more time..
Autocorrect does not recognize 'asshat'
Attention whores. HEY! Lookit me. No, ME, lookit Meeeeee!
Stupid laws that punish honest mistakes and let the truly guilty off with a slap on the wrist
People who will hear my hates and assume I am nothing but a raging ball of fury.
And I would hate it if you did not have a very good day..